Seven (7) point Agenda

GLOBAL ACCEPTABILITY – NBM of Africa as an organization has been debased both home and abroad. The stigmatization of members and the organization has been a major concern and it is thus imperative to set the records straight by putting our narrative in proper and right perspective.

There is no denying the fact that certain actions of few, particularly the ill-informed members within the group have in no small scale done major damages to good intention of the NBM, but it is imperative not to be oblivious of the fact that like any other group the organization must have bad eggs within its ranks. This is why image laundering forms a pivot concern and drive of this present regime. Our constitution does not permit any form of criminality. As such any member found wanting automatically siezes to be a member.

STUDENTS INTEGRATION – It has increasingly become a common knowledge that gap or rather vacuum between the older and younger members in higher institutions of learning have also left the former vulnerable and less informed about the core aims and objectives of the group.

As such, this administration shall introduced a quarterly Student Brothers Retreat that would create avenue for proper interactive session and orientation with a view to guide and direct them on not just about the group generally, but to also nurture them to graduates with good grades and become better citizens and role models in the society.

ACCOUNTABILITY – As leaders, we must learn to be accountable. Accountability shows responsibility. The lack of it erodes trust and brings about insubordination & rebellion. I agree that accountability sometimes is disguised and used as a tool to witch hunt but when a leader is transparent and accountable to his people, there won’t be cause to think in that direction. It is high time members start giving account of their attitude and day to day life. We all must be responsible and accountable to those who we represent. The biometrics will help us identify non-members infiltrating & perpetuating acts inimical to our image, constitution and culture. At the point of entry or admittance into the organization the National EXCO and NCOE shall work closely with various Regions, Zones and other levels to ensure that Section 3 sub-section (d) of constitution under QUALIFICATION FOR MEMBERSHIP which states that the new in-take must be of good character and must not have been convicted of a criminal offence considered by the NCOE to be inimical to the organization that are followed and fully applied. This is inevitable with a view curtail the blending of undesirable elements into the brotherhood….It will no longer be business as usual.

Going forward therefore, our administration shall not hesitate to invoke Section 4 sub-section (d) of our constitution,  under FORFEITURE OF MEMBERSHIP if any member is found guilty in this regard. Our emphasis and resolved is particularly on 1 & 2 of the section which states that “A person shall forfeit his membership of the organization if”

1). He acquires membership of any organization which is in conflict with NBM of Africa as determined by the NCOE. An organization shall be deemed to be in conflict with NBM of Africa if such organization is a cult, an occult, criminal or a terrorist organization.

2). He is convicted of a felony crime by a competent court of law.

WELFARE – The National Executive shall be rolling out welfare programmes and policies that be beneficial to members within the group’s network. The initiative and approach shall be all encompassing and as such will positively impact on the lives and welfare of every member directly or indirectly.

EMPOWERMENT – Like the welfare plans, this administration shall introduce policies that would facilitate employment opportunities & other forms of  empowerment. The policies for members within the brotherhood. The policies for instance, should explore possible avenue of creating and running skills acquisition and educational programs that would be backed up with scholarship schemes.

COMPLETION OF UHURU HERITAGE CENTER – From inception the idea that birthed the heritage center was for NBM to have a suitable and permanent office as its headquarters after the relocation from the former Lagos office. The new and permanent location in Benin the ancestral home of the organization shall thus serve purpose of administration, management, research, meetings and other social activities that could generate revenue for the group. While commending the efforts of the immediate past two administrations, our regime pledge to ensure the full completion and proper usage of the place to achieve that its aims is achieved within a period of 2 years.

RESTORING INTEGRITY & EQUITY BACK TO THE MOVEMENT – For a while now, Equality and Justice has simply become a slogan in our movement. Leaders should learn to accept constructive criticism as it helps keeps us in check.

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